
Two Views of ‘Holy Wars for Turf’

The great Oxford don, C.S. Lewis, once quipped that he preferred his Christianity like he preferred his whiskey--straight. To be sure, our society, for quite some time, has been busy taking the “bite” out of religion by watering it down with all sorts of admixtures.

But let’s get one thing straight: When upstanding citizens like Daniel Rasmussen request the city of Irvine to spend a few bucks blunting the adverse aesthetic impact of a towering, Byzantine-like edifice by planting a few trees, such a request--contrary to the Rev. George Stephanides’ hasty conclusion--hardly reflects an increasing tide of secularism, hostility to churches or permission “to go into areas and put up drinking (establishments).”

The issue is not religion versus establishments. The issue is aesthetics. So let’s all sober up!


DAVID G. HAGOPIAN, Rancho Santa Margarita
