
COUNTYWIDE : Women Sought for Government Service

A county group that is trying to get more women appointed to local, county and state boards has collected a bank of more than 20 names.

“We’re challenging women to get involved in governmental decisions because decisions are being made about women for women by men with little or no female input,” said Stacey McDonald, a member of the Ventura County Women’s Political Appointments Coalition. McDonald is Santa Paula’s city clerk and chairwoman of the Ventura County Commission for Women.

The coalition will hold a meeting at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 29 at the Camarillo Airport conference center to discuss the name bank and future workshops.


County Supervisor Maggie Erickson Kildee was instrumental in creating the coalition, which McDonald described as a group of women committed to raising awareness of local, county and state agencies about having gender equity.

McDonald said one of the coalition’s long-term goals is to persuade cities to adopt ordinances requiring gender equity on their local boards.
