
‘Winners of Excellence’

An essential part of her job, Genevieve Shepherd says, is to help children build self-esteem. Every year, she writes a poem on the theme, which the children are required to memorize. Here is this year’s poem:

“I am a winner of excellence in every way.

What I think, I can write,

I can read and I can say.

I will always say yes to right.

I will say no to wrong.

With all others, I will try

My best to get along.

Respect I’ll give--Respect I’ll earn.

I know that I come to Dublin to learn.

There are some things no one

Can take from me.

My pride, my self-discipline

And my awesome dignity.

And so I will do my best to excel in every way.

For I am a winner of excellence

Today and always.”
