
Why <i> PC</i> Spells Political Controversy : IT’S CENSORSHIP

It’s bad enough that film writers, producers and directors are being browbeaten by holier-than-thou special interest groups. But pity the poor filmgoer who plunks down his seven bucks for a good evening’s entertainment and has to sit there wondering what the writer really had in mind before activist-censors said, “Do it our way, or we’ll picket your movie into the ground.”

And all the while, the activist-censors pat themselves on the back, naive to the fact that their heavy-handed tactics do little more than foment resentment toward their groups.


Los Angeles

Times staff writer Terry Pristin’s article on political correctness in Hollywood, “The Filmmakers vs. the Crusaders” (Dec. 29), has struck a nerve with readers. A sampling of their views.
