
Israeli Deportations and Peace Talks

Casey Kasem, our local friend of the PLO, smugly tendered some advice to the counsul general of Israel here in Los Angeles, by lecturing the Israelis, “The way to have good neighbors is to be one” (letter, Dec. 24). It’s quite clear that Kasem and those like him have not been successful in carrying this message of good neighborliness to their Arab brothers in the Mideast. The Arabs have been trying to exterminate the state and people of Israel from the day the latter became a state some 43 years ago, by means of war, terrorism against noncombatant civilians and Israeli kids in their cribs, and even against non-Israelis like Americans and American allies.

It is obvious that Kasem has a hard time making the distinction between the perpetrator of criminal behavior and the application of force necessary to protect us from such criminality.


Los Angeles
