
COUNTYWIDE : Democrats to Hold Feinstein Reception

Ventura County Democrats have arranged a public reception for Democratic senatorial candidate Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday evening in Ventura.

The reception, sponsored by Democrats United and the county’s Democratic Central Committee, will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 3994 E. Main St.

Feinstein, former mayor of San Francisco and the Democratic gubernatorial nominee in 1990, will speak at the reception and answer questions from the audience, said Pam Weidemann, director of Democrats United, a Ventura County political action committee.


“We are expecting 100 people,” Weidemann said.

A $15 donation will be collected at the door, she said, and reservations are not required.

For more information, call 648-7150.

Feinstein is running for the seat occupied by U.S. Sen. John Seymour, an Anaheim Republican appointed by Gov. Pete Wilson when Wilson vacated the Senate post to become governor.
