
Talk Show Flap

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This letter is in response to your article (Dec. 14) regarding support given by Evan Kemp Jr., chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Council, to KFI radio.

The article states that on my talk show I debated whether TV news anchor Bree Walker Lampley should abort her pregnancy because her disability could be inherited by her baby.

Let me set the record straight. The question asked was: Would you (Mr. & Mrs. Southern California) conceive a child knowing your baby would have a 50-50 chance of inheriting your disability (in Bree Walker Lampley’s case the bones of the hands and feet would be fused)?


Every article printed in The Times on this issue has slanted the facts and created the illusion that the show promoted prejudice against the disabled. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Kemp is correct in saying that these issues need to be discussed. This issue was discussed openly and honestly on my radio show.

JANE NORRIS, Los Angeles
