
COUNTYWIDE : County to Recycle Christmas Trees

When Christmas is over and the Yule tree is getting a little droopy and dry, there are more options than just hauling it to the curb.

The Orange County Integrated Waste Management Department would like you to bring it to one of three regional parks this weekend or next to have the tree turned into chips and mulch. The end products will be available at the parks to landscapers and others who would like some free green waste or wood chips.

“Treecycling,” as the county is billing it, will be available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Saturday and Sunday as well as next weekend at Craig Park in Brea, Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley and Laguna Niguel Park in Laguna Niguel. Volunteers from Goodwill also will be available at the parks to accept clothing, games and other reusable items no longer needed after the holiday.


To entertain those bringing the trees, the County Fire Department will have fire engines on display, and Smokey the Bear will be on hand for children.

Before bringing a tree to the center, recyclers are asked to remove all decorations and any metal objects, such as nails, from the tree. Flocked or painted trees cannot be recycled. For more information about tree or other recycling, call the county at (714) 571-5640.
