
Santa Clarita Moves to Improve Dial-A-Ride

Santa Clarita has taken steps to improve its Dial-a-Ride program in response to criticism from riders.

The company recently expanded the hours of the program, prompting complaints of poor service from riders. Dial-A-Ride is available 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. daily.

At the city’s request, the company has replaced an operator who was rude to callers and added two more telephone lines to reduce the amount of time callers wait on hold.


The city has also established an advisory committee composed of three senior citizens who frequently use the service.

Next week, a computer will be installed to reduce scheduling problems, said Ken Puhlskamp, Santa Clarita’s assistant city manager.

Under a $325,000 annual contract with the city, ATE Ryder provides door-to-door van service anywhere in the Santa Clarita Valley for $1 a ride.
