
Schools’ Parcel Tax Measure Loses Again

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For the second time in five months, the La Canada Unified School District has lost its campaign to generate revenue by increasing property taxes.

A proposed $250-a-year parcel tax was supported by most voters, but it failed to garner the two-thirds majority needed for passage.

The vote on the measure was 62% in favor, 38% opposed. In June, the district lost a similar initiative by four votes.


The two-thirds requirement for property tax increases is mandated by Proposition 13, the anti-tax initiative passed by California voters in 1978.

The loss in La Canada was part of a countywide trend. Similar parcel tax initiatives were defeated in school districts in Claremont, Culver City, El Segundo, South Pasadena and Las Virgenes, and a related tax increase lost in the Newhall school district.

A race for two seats on the La Canada school board that was also on Tuesday’s ballot saw incumbent Carole Siegler, a main supporter of the tax initiative, win reelection. Newcomer Meredith Reynolds won the second seat.


La Canada school officials had hoped the parcel tax would raise about $1.5 million annually for four years.

The district had planned to use the money to reduce class sizes, as well as to restore art, science, language, honors and athletics programs that have been cut because of recent shortfalls in state education funding.

Siegler said the defeat will mean harder times for the district.

“We will continue to do the best possible job we can for the students, but class sizes are going to remain large,” she said. “It will be difficult to buy the text books we need. . . . Some people don’t want to pay any more taxes no matter what it’s for, but they don’t understand that these kids are our future.”


Siegler added that she thinks the two-thirds majority requirement is too strict and makes passage of a parcel tax close too impossible.

“Every ‘no’ vote counts double and every ‘yes’ vote counts half,” she said. “That’s a pretty steep mountain to climb.”


La Canada Unified School District 100% Precincts Reporting: Votes (%) Carole Siegler *: 3,470 (39.1%) Meredith Reynolds: 3,388 (38.1%) Ned Corpolongo: 2,023 (22.8%)

Crescenta Valley County Water District 100% Precincts Reporting: Votes (%) Judy Binch Tejeda: 510 (24.0%) Arthur Ted Schunck: 479 (22.6%) Dominick Petrotta: 467 (22.0%) William T. O’Neil *: 406 (19.1%) James N. McClain *: 261 (12.3%)

La Canada Unified School District 100% Precincts Reporting: Votes (%) M--Special Parcel Tax.

Requires Two-Thirds Vote

Yes: 3,542 (62.0%) No: 2,173 (38.0%)

Key to Election Tables

* An asterisk (*) denotes incumbent candidate.

* Elected candidates and measures are in bold type.

* Partial Term indicates that the election is to complete the remaining term of a vacated office.


* Technical assistance: Paul Orwig and Victor I. Pulver, systems architects, Publishing Systems.

* Contributing: Times editorial researcher Michael Meyers, transcription typist Jim Walker, copy messengers Mike Alvarez, Garry Dunn, John Hernandez, John Malnic and Onna Young.
