
Ballot Measure on Irvine Co.’s Village 38 Project Finds a City Divided

Voters should know that more is on the line than just a few homes in the Measure B vote on Village 38. This new village is tied to a key component of the city’s Bicycle Trail System--and a key connection in the county’s “mountains to the sea” trail network along Peter’s Canyon Wash.

The city has (established as a condition to development that) Village 38 construct the missing trail link between the existing off-street trail along the AT&SF; railroad tracks and the San Diego Creek Trail. This facility, the Peter’s Canyon Wash Bike Trail, which is nearly 2 miles and estimated to cost nearly $2 million, will provide the first off-street bicycle trail connecting College Park, Greentree, Deerfield, the Ranch, the Willows, Smoketree and California Homes with trails leading to Upper Newport Bay. Grade separations are planned at Irvine Center Drive, Warner Avenue and Barranca Parkway. Imagine riding from Los Naranjos School to the back bay without competing with cars!

The city of Irvine is the only city in Orange County that already has an alternative to the automobile--its extensive network of bicycle trails and lanes. This network has been provided through good planning on the part of the city and the principal developer. This excellent trail planning is also evident in the plans for Village 38. Not only is a backbone trail planned, but a complementary network of feeder trails will be constructed to encourage bicycle usage.


If this village is defeated, it will be years, and perhaps decades, before the city can fund these needed trail connections through taxes. So, when voting on Measure B, please remember that Measure B equals more bicycle trails.


Chairman, Bicycle Trails Committee

