
Growth Initiative

The Superior Court ruled that Prevent Los Angelization Now!’s (PLAN!) “Taxpayer Relief and Planned Growth Initiative” violates the single subject rule for initiative measures. That’s unfortunate for San Diegans.

Developers are heavy contributors to local political campaigns, and many elected officials receive over 70% of their funds from people tied to the industry. This conflict of interest has paralyzed local government’s ability to deal with growth-induced problems such as traffic, water shortages and rising crime. Frustrated citizens turning to the initiative process end up fighting David and Goliath battles against developer money. Eighty-six thousand people signed the PLAN! Initiative, but we will not get a chance to vote on it because a small group of developers had the money to issue a pre-election challenge.

The City Council does, however, have the option of striking off the offending part of the initiative and placing the rest of it on the ballot. THey could even adopt this popular initiative outright. If the council wants San Diegans to believe that it takes growth problems seriously, it should at least let us vote on this initiative.



San Diego
