
THOUSAND OAKS : Police Break Up Halloween Party

A Halloween party of 500 students got out of hand in the Westlake Hyatt Plaza hotel ballroom in Thousand Oaks after some costumed students decided that they didn’t like the band, authorities said Thursday.

Ventura County sheriff’s deputies were called at 11 p.m. Wednesday to aid hotel security officers in dispersing the large group when fights, one of which spread into the kitchen, broke out among the students. Several Cal Lutheran University students organized the party, which was attended primarily by fellow students, authorities said.

When security officers announced that the party was over, about 100 people sat on the floor chanting, “Hell no, we won’t go,” Sheriff’s Lt. William Montijo said.


Twenty-five sheriff’s deputies went to the hotel on Westlake Boulevard and arrested two of the party-goers. Authorities cleared the ballroom and the parking lot by 11:45 p.m., Montijo said.

Charles Broussard, 21, of 58 Faculty St. in Thousand Oaks was arrested on suspicion of interfering with a peace officer and failing to disperse. William Beveridge, 20, of 3253 Mountclef Boulevard in Thousand Oaks was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of a controlled substance.

University officials released a statement Thursday saying they are investigating the incident. The university did not sponsor or support the party, they said.


Hotel officials declined to comment, other than saying there was no damage to the hotel.
