
Cancer-Test Firm Signs Pact to Advise on Kidney Treatment

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Oncotech Inc., an Irvine biotechnology company that specializes in drug research for cancer treatments, announced Monday an agreement with the National Kidney Cancer Assn. to provide kidney-patient tests at a reduced rate. The association, based in Chicago, is an advocacy group of patients and physicians.

Founded in 1985, Oncotech tests biopsies of malignant tumors for a variety of possible drug therapies and then advises physicians on which of the drugs might work most effectively for a particular patient. The laboratory tests about 300 biopsies a month from hospitals across the country, according to oncologist Larry Weisenthal, Oncotech’s vice president for scientific affairs.

“This is the first time that we will deal directly with patients,” Weisenthal said. Kidney cancer patients can ask their physicians to send biopsies to the clinic, which will run tests for $890--about $700 less than its regular fee.
