
Texas Instruments Inc.: The Dallas-based computer maker,...

Texas Instruments Inc.: The Dallas-based computer maker, which has already trimmed its work force by thousands, lost $113 million in the third quarter in what executives described as continuing weakness in computer markets that could prompt more layoffs.

The $1.45-a-share shortfall, including a special pretax charge of $55 million reflecting greater costs of voluntary U.S. job cuts, compares to a net loss of $7 million, or 19 cents a share, in the quarter a year ago.

Revenue for the three months ended Sept. 30 rose 4.8% to $1.76 billion, from $1.68 billion a year ago.


The special third-quarter charge reflected a higher-than-expected cost of the recently completed voluntary job reductions. Without the special charge, the latest net loss was $58 million.
