
The Legacy of Actor Brad Davis

I’m one of many people saddened by the talented Brad Davis’ death. I don’t, however, agree with “Profile in Courage, Anger” that Davis was a “profile in courage” or that he “battled Hollywood indifference.”

Reports of his death were paired with an explanation of how he got AIDS, as if being a drug addict made him more innocent than others. While I don’t blame Davis for hiding his infection so that he could work, I can’t call him brave for doing so. I can’t say he “battled” Hollywood indifference so much as he tried to outmaneuver it.

The AIDS epidemic has given me too many examples of real heroes who have used their last years to enrich lives around them and fight for the rights of all just as valiantly as they have fought to live. Davis may have honorably done what he needed for himself and his loved ones, but true courage and true battling of Hollywood indifference would have brought him into a more public arena where he may have helped many more people.


JEFF HAGEDORN, North Hollywood
