
About That Money for the Organ . . .

In your June 18, 1991, edition you reported on the American Guild of Organists convention in Pasadena. One of the organists was quoted as saying, “Organ recitals are few and far between and poorly attended.”

The Glendale Redevelopment Agency recently bought an old organ from La Canada Flintridge for $50,000 and allocated $500,000 to bring it up to date with the intention of housing it in the old Alex Theatre.

Based on the above quotation and other comments regarding old organs, it is apparent that Glendale taxpayers now own a $50,000 lemon that continues to grow in cost while diminishing in value.


This project should be put on hold immediately and taxpayers should not be forced to continue to send good money after bad. Clearly, the taxpayers should not voluntarily approve spending millions for a place to house an obsolete musical instrument.

AL HOFFMAN, Glendale

Editor’s Note: The Redevelopment Agency allocated $500,000 as seed money for initial studies on acquisition and renovation of the Alex Theatre as well as the organ.
