
The Playwright and His Audience

Regarding “Theater on the Edge,” Richard Stayton’s profile of playwright-director Reza Abdoh (Aug. 25):

I am a supporter of the Los Angeles Theatre Center and have held season tickets off and on since its first year. Over the years I’ve been to performances that have brought me out of my seat--sometimes to cheer and sometimes to leave. I’ve been excited, challenged, insulted and bored. But now I’m scared.

The kind of attitude that Abdoh has will lead to more desertions, not simply by the politicians but by LATC supporters. The arrogance of his saying that he is “not in the business of pandering to the audience” is truly distressing. It is the quintessential form of snobbism to hold oneself out as the final judge of art and to assume that the audience is wrong or stupid.


The art and ideas of Odets, Osborne, Brecht, O’Neill and Miller were filled with challenging, disturbing ideas. They, however, had the wisdom to know that in order to challenge the audience, they had to have the audience.

We, your audience, are not your enemy. Do what you will, but if you expect us to respect you in the morning, please respect us in the evening.


