
Countywide : Budget Committee Post Goes to Wright

Assemblywoman Cathie Wright (R-Simi Valley) has been appointed vice chairwoman of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, a position that will place her near the center of the debate over state taxes and spending.

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown appointed Wright to the job on the recommendation of Assembly Republican Leader Bill Jones (R-Fresno).

Wright supported Jones in the Republican leadership battle that brought him to power.

She is also one of the Republicans with the most seniority on the Ways and Means Committee.


As vice chairman, she will advise Jones on fiscal issues and help lead the debate over money issues for Republicans on the Assembly floor.

Wright has vowed to help put together a Republican alternative budget for consideration next year.

“I hope we are going to be actors and participants in the budget process next year,” Wright said. “We were not players this year because we did not have any plan to offer. Next year, we are going to have some kind of proposal that we are going to take to the governor.”
