
Solar Energy

There is no eclipse of solar energy. Your article about the dismantling of our power plant (July 26) should have been cheerful, not sad. The more of the plant we take apart the more houses it powers. The new owners of the panels put them on their roofs and run three or four houses with the solar electricity that used to run one house.

Your article is gloomy because there are few government subsidies to solar energy. Let us be happy about this. Your readers must know that $1 less in subsidies saves them $2 in taxes. We have found that the public is delighted to buy their own photovoltaic power plants without government “help.”

What is sad are the continued subsidies to oil--not the lack of subsidies to solar. Our experience is that solar does fine without subsidies.


STEVE BAER, Carrizo Solar Corp., Corrales, N.M.
