
SANTA ANA : Street Realignment Plans to Be Shown

Property owners near the McFadden Avenue and Main Street intersection have been invited to view preliminary plans for the realignment of McFadden that could impact as many as 19 homes, four businesses and two schools.

At a meeting tonight at 7 in the City Council chambers, property owners can view plans that call for widening McFadden from a two-lane to a four-lane road and straightening the street to eliminate the jog where it intersects Main.

The area that would be impacted by the $5-million street improvement generally runs along McFadden between Broadway and Maple Street.


David Biondolillo, public works project manager, said that because the project also may take property from two nearby schools in the Santa Ana Unified district, the city’s environmental impact report will include property that can be used in a “land exchange” between the city and the school district.

Biondolillo said construction is not scheduled to begin for at least another three years.
