
A Guide to the Best of Southern California : EXCURSIONS : Target Practice

You’ll want to skip breakfast before trying this.

Air Combat USA’s “ ‘Top Gun’- for-a-Day” package promises nose-to-nose turns, yo-yo maneuvers and death spirals in a Marchetti SF 260 fighter bomber--6,000 feet above Fullerton.

First-time fliers receive a briefing before climbing aboard for an hourlong dogfight. Each plane contains a computer that allows pilots to track “hits” on other bombers and two control sticks--one for the trained instructor, the other for Chuck Yeager wanna-bes eager to spin a few high-G barrel rolls.

Cameras focused on the guest pilot’s seat and along the gun sights record the $495 trip, immortalizing it on videotape for brag sessions back home. A shorter version of the same experience goes for $299.


Air Combat USA, Fullerton Municipal Airport, 230 N. Dale Place, Fullerton; (714) 522-7590.
