
Voter ‘Disappointed’ by Monterey Park Council

I am disappointed in the length of time Councilman Sam Kiang spends on the mike. He just keeps on going. Is the only way to stop him to limit the time council members can speak? When other council members want to speak he gets violent.

As a resident I would like to hear other council members, not just one or two opinions. But at his rate we would have to be up all night.

Why has bilingual become an obsession with Councilman Kiang? Always he wants to spend more money on wages. It’s my money as a taxpayer, not just the council’s.


Must I remind certain council persons they were elected by the people to represent all the people? Did I make a mistake when I voted, thinking I also would be represented?

I was under the impression in America we are all equal.

And what about the water and trash increase that the council will vote on in August to help balance the budget? Why again? We just had an increase.

I think this money is needed for the (possible) increase of salaries that council members (Judy) Chu, Kiang and (Fred) Balderrama voted for the assistant manager and for the administrative assistant (city manager’s office). Our city manager, Mr. (Mark) Lewis, makes $89,000 a year, plus benefits, including a car.


What’s going on? Don’t we have three votes to stop this insanity?


Monterey Park
