
Sierra Madre Earthquake

It was fitting that an earthquake should put in an appearance in the midst of our beautiful June weather (front page, June 29), because earthquakes are responsible for our mild summers and mild winters. For millions of years during earthquakes, the movement of the Pacific Ocean plate under the North American continental plate has uplifted the North American plate, creating mountains to the east and north of Los Angeles that serve as buffers against unfavorable winds that carry excessive heat or cold. The ocean breeze and the mountains produce the Mediterranean climate of Los Angeles.

The mountains provide our drinking water, too, so it may be said that earthquakes are the original source of our water supply system.

The mountains also serve as spectacularly massive views. Thus the tectonic plate uplift over millions of years gives us a spiritual uplift today.


It is ironic that earthquake violence created a climatic and scenic paradise in Los Angeles.


San Marino
