
COUNTYWIDE : Day-Care Provider to Receive Honor

Dorothy L. Davis, a day-care provider who helped transform a gang- and drug-ridden street into a “harmonious” one, will be honored Sunday by the community service group Pointes of Light.

Last year, Davis, who founded the Pride Development Council day-care center in Santa Ana, led a campaign to combat crime in the neighborhood.

“It was a drug-ridden place with bullet holes throughout the street. . . , one of the worst streets in Santa Ana,” said Pointes of Light Director Nancy Fontaine. Davis has “made a difference. The graffiti is disappearing. (The street) is becoming harmonious.”


A celebrity auction will follow the $40-a-person luncheon to raise money for the Pride Development Council. Supervisor Roger R. Stanton will speak at the ceremony, which also honors others who have helped provide services to children.

Westminster City Council members Joy L. Neugebauer and Frank Fry Jr., Santa Ana Mayor Daniel H. Young and Santa Ana Councilman John Acosta will serve as hosts of the program, called the “Academy Awards for Human Service to Children.”

The luncheon starts at 2 p.m. at the Anaheim Marriott hotel, and afterward, personal items autographed by First Lady Barbara Bush, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, “McGyver” star Richard Dean Anderson and others will be sold.
