
VENTURA : Day-Care Operator’s License Revoked

The state has revoked the license of a former Ventura day-care operator who allegedly force-fed children and used masking tape to attach toys to an infant’s hands.

The decision to revoke the license of Pamela Komatz was effective last week, although the Ventura woman voluntarily ceased operations after the complaints against her were raised in 1988.

Komatz could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Although Komatz also had been accused of giving over-the-counter medicine without permission to an 11-month-old girl who died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, she was cleared of that allegation, state officials said.


A hearing on the matter was held in front of Ventura Administrative Law Judge Leslie Greenfield, who gave the state Department of Social Services the go-ahead to revoke Komatz’s license.

Greenfield also ruled that Komatz had falsified her day-care license, allowed an infant to remain in dirty diapers and failed to clean the changing surface after each diaper was changed.
