
Bernhardt Recall

The voters of San Diego have never thrown out an elected official utilizing a midterm recall election, and we should not begin on April 9. In our recent past, we have had thieves, gluttons, purported felons and whoremongers serving us as local elected officials and not one was subjected to a recall election. The voters of the 5th District must recognize this recall effort for what it is--a political vendetta against an elected councilwoman, Linda Bernhardt, who is simply trying to honestly perform her job to the best of her ability. The only charges against her are that she may have changed her mind or position since her campaign--hardly impeachable offenses. In fact, we should salute her willingness to adapt to changing conditions. Recalling anyone for blatantly frivolous and selfish political reasons would set a dangerous precedent in our city and would inhibit the ability of any council member to make independent decisions or to forge compromises for the benefit of the entire city. Every voter of the 5th District has a responsibility to uphold the integrity of our form of representative government by voting against the recall of Linda Bernhardt.

I recently voted for a man who repeatedly said “Read my lips, no new taxes” during his campaign. Regrettably, he has changed his position since his election, but nobody is out circulating petitions to have him recalled in midterm, nor should they.

Linda Bernhardt deserves the opportunity to complete her term while honestly working to the best of her ability.



San Diego
