
Supervisors to Form Panel on Redistricting

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday agreed to form a 10-member committee to study the effects that the 1990 U.S. Census figures may have on supervisorial district boundaries.

Under a federal court order, the supervisors’ districts were altered late last year, in part to create a Latino voting district. Supervisor Gloria Molina was elected to represent that new district. But those districts were based largely on 1980 census data, and some adjustments may be needed to reflect Los Angeles County’s ever-changing population.

On Tuesday, Molina and supervisors Ed Edelman and Kenneth Hahn added a requirement that the 10 committee members also reflect that diversity.


Final census data is expected to be received early next month and, once appointed, the committee is scheduled to meet for the first time on April 15. New boundaries are to be final by the end of September.
