
Proposed Site Is Better

As a 10-year resident of Oxnard and a senior citizen, I have an interest in the current controversy about the relocation of Oxnard High School. Because I have no children of school age, I feel that I can be objective.

From personal observation, I agree that the present facility is now beyond repair due to years of neglect. The students who attend Oxnard High School deserve and must be given a safe, secure physical plant that is conducive to learning.

The site at the corner of Patterson and Gonzales roads is the best location. It would allow access to the campus from two streets, cutting down or even eliminating traffic backup. The intersection already has traffic signals that facilitate turns and increase safety. The remaining agricultural land would remain intact and not be bisected by the campus.


The arguments of the opponents are groundless. Since both River Ridge and Summerfield are fenced communities, they are well protected and insulated from the students. Schools are an essential part of any community.


