
Tofflers on New Warfare Theory

In response to “A New Theory of Warfare: the ‘Third Wave’ Arrives,” by Alvin and Heidi Toffler (Commentary, March 5-6):

As a veteran B-17 navigator of 33 bombing missions over Europe, I found the civilian death statistics revealed by the Tofflers (March 5) truly astonishing.

They report 137,000 civilians killed per month or about 7 million for World War I. This rose to 388,000 per month or more than 26 million civilians killed in World War II. They go on to minimize the number of civilian casualties in our most recent splendid little war. But estimates of 300,000 civilian and military casualties during 43 days of precision bombing plus the millions who will die of disease due to the destruction of water and sewage facilities rival the mass murder of the carpet bombings of Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo, and the atomic bombings of World War II.


Imagine what will happen to these statistics when nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are used in future police actions.

