
CAMARILLO : Detention Center Prohibits Smoking

Inmates at Ventura School in Camarillo will be prohibited from smoking anywhere in the institution beginning June 1, bringing the medium-security detention center into line with others in the county.

“The kids in the wards were notified seven months ago,” said Manuel Carbajal, superintendent of the school run by the California Youth Authority. “We want this to be a smoke-free environment.”

The institution is offering a clinic for smokers, both inmates and staff members, to help them break the habit.


Ventura School has more than 880 male and female inmates who were convicted of crimes before reaching age 25. Carbajal said that helping inmates to stop smoking will allow them to develop better health habits.

“These youth offenders have lots of strikes going against them,” he said. “We want to help them develop a conscious level of health. It’s better if they spend money on other things than cigarettes.”

Vending machines were removed a month ago, and the prison store will stop selling cigarettes on April 1.


Smoking will be considered a violation of the institution’s law.

“Cigarettes will be considered contraband, and there will be definite sanctions,” Carbajal said.

On June 1, visitors will no longer be allowed to smoke. The staff will be allowed to smoke in two outside areas that inmates cannot see.
