
Haiti’s New President

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It was interesting reading your editorial (“Now Haiti Needs a Good Uncle,” Feb. 9) on Aristide, especially your justification (read--understanding) of the Bush Administration’s coolness to the Haitian president because of his past activism.

Going through the editorial several times, I failed to see how his activism has hurt his people. Unless you are hiding his crimes, the only reference was, to quote you, “preaching fiery sermons demanding justice on their (Haiti’s poor) behalf.” If I may stretch this to the limit, are you implying that this charismatic priest was working against U.S. interest by siding with the poor?

By even justifying the Administration’s attitude, you have again exhibited insensitivity to the yearning of oppressed and downtrodden millions in the developing countries whose only hope and salvation lie with the Aristides.


How long will it take the U.S. Establishment to understand that its long-term interest in promoting a “new world order” rests with the Aristides of the Third World rather than with the tiny ruling elites whose association with the U.S. has tainted the image of successive administrations among the oppressed people of the developing countries?


Los Angeles
