
Orange : City Moves Toward Building Golf Course

Later this month the City Council will take a preliminary step toward building the city’s first municipal golf course.

Mayor Gene Beyer said the city is seeking five residents to form an advisory committee that will explore potential sites for an 18-hole course.

“The golf course is something I brought up during the (mayoral) campaign because I think that a city of 110,000 and growing should have as many recreational activities available as possible,” Beyer said.


“What we want is a place where Joe and Joanne Public can play and it won’t cost them an arm and a leg.”

The Ridgeline Golf Course, a private nine-hole course in Orange Park Acres, is the only course in the city. Members pay $100 each month plus a $100 start-up fee to use the Ridgeline facilities, which include the golf course and driving range, tennis courts and a swimming pool.

The city’s east side, with its acres of open space, may seem the most obvious location for a course, but Beyer said the committee will consider property throughout the city. Beyer said that while an 18-hole course is preferable, the city will also consider property for a nine-hole course.


Interested applicants should contact a City Council member or send resumes directly to the city clerk’s office at 300 East Chapman Ave.
