
Legislature and Term Limits

I love it, love it, love it! Thanks for the piece “Bitter Vasconcellos . . . “ et al threatening to quit the Assembly because of Prop. 140 (Part A, Jan. 31).

When one is kicked off the gravy train, it is expected that he will grouse. The more gravy he is used to, the louder he will grouse.

Let’s look at Assemblyman John Vasconcellos (D-Santa Clara) a little more closely. After winning his 12th term, he has admitted that his constituents don’t deserve a shining knight such as he to represent them. Simply representing the people of Santa Clara is no longer sufficient reason for Big John to put forth the effort that being in the California Assembly requires. Good riddance.


Vasconcellos is simply out of touch when he concludes his constituents did not want good government when they voted for Prop. 140. Exactly wrong, John. That initiative was passed for the benefit of arrogant, spoiled, professional politicians with elitist, superior views, just like Vasconcellos.

Don’t think I have no sympathy for Vasconcellos, though. After being in the Assembly for 23 years, he is practically unfit for honest work. It is to protect these folks from becoming the employably disabled (in other words, worthless) that we instituted Prop. 140.

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown says that as many as 40% of the Assembly members may reconsider running for reelection? Christmas in November!



