
A Scalper’s Glossary

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Blinkers -- Counterfeit tickets. Bomb -- An event with poor attendance. Broker sellout -- A technical sellout created by brokers to control the market. Seats may be empty, but all tickets have been sold. Cut Me Off /Cut Him Off -- Crowding or forcing another scalper off a good corner or location. Double Dip -- Profiting from the same ticket twice by first selling it to a broker and selling it again at the game because the broker’s stuck with it. Droids -- People hired to stand in ticket lines for scalpers and brokers. In the Wind -- Fleeing police. Getting Him Started -- Fronting tickets to a scalper who’s broke. Good Ticket /Bad Ticket -- Description of ticket action at an event. Nosebleeders -- Cheap top-row seats. On the Walk -- When a scalper is working an event. Pocket -- Fans bunched together walking through the parking lot. Stack -- A large number of tickets. Stacked -- A line packed with droids. Straights -- Fans. Customers. Scared Ticket -- A scalper frantically trying to unload tickets as the game starts.
