

If or when the American-led ground forces attack Iraqi defensive positions, artillery may play a significant role.

Field weapons such as the 155mm Howitzer M198 will support advancing tanks and ground troops. Army and Marine Howitzers are usually deployed in 24-gun battalions. Each field battalion has three batteries of eight guns.

The Howitzer M198 is towed into position and stabilized using a split trail carriage. In action at the front, the weapon rests on a firing jack under the carriage and the two spread tails. It can turn and fire 180 degrees.


Ammunition includes: anti-tank projectiles (containing anti-tank mines) and anti-personnel rounds (containing up to 88 grenades or 36 anti-personnel mines).

The Howitzer can also fire illumination, smoke and nuclear projectiles carrying 1 kiloton warheads and deliver them up to a maximum range of 20 miles.

Projectiles weigh up to 19.7 pounds and can penetrate 3 inches of armor.

GUN STATISTICS Caliber: 155 millimeter Barrel length: 20 feet Rate of fire: 4 rounds a minute Maximum range: 20 miles Crew: 11 Towed by: 5-ton truck



Howitzer projectiles weight 95 pounds, not 19.7 pounds.

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