
Linkage Issue in Mideast Crisis

For Danny Goldberg and Gerald Bubis to take the position they are taking is not new (“Beating the War Drum Is No Favor to Israel,” Commentary, Jan. 11). For years they have advocated that Israel should trade away “land for peace.”

As the intifada uprising has dragged on for past four years, these persons and their left-wing friends in Israel have been steadily losing support, and are in the minority both in the Israeli and American Jewish communities.

It is time that we as American Jews act as both Americans and Jews in that we support the President in his efforts to drive Hussein out without linking the settlement of the Palestinian problem.


Diplomacy and economic sanctions will not work no matter how long it takes.

The above authors have been blowing off steam on this matter for a long time. For the sake of peace, we must support President Bush’s position. We must not link the gulf situation with the Palestinians.


Commission on Legislation and Civic Action

Agudath Israel of California
