
Bren Was Just Teasing When He Put Laguna Laurel Up for a Bid

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So it’s no deal for Laguna Canyon. Donald Bren insists on more than citizens can pay. I’m terribly, terribly saddened, and I’m sickened by the actions of Orange County’s No. 1 billionaire.

For almost a year, the chairman of the Irvine Co. dangled an environmental jewel in front of our wondering eyes, and in one swift and final action, he swept it away, back into his own fat pocket. He rebuked the mind-boggling $70-million offer proposed by environmentalists and officials of the city of Laguna Beach. He “only” wants $20 million more.

Bren is said to be many things: Pete Wilson’s best friend, major confidant and the man whose advice Wilson first sought when he considered the governor’s race. According to recent reports in The Times, Bren is also America’s “largest private urban landholder.”


He’s the guy who once described land as his canvas, “a way to express myself.” And then he took greenbelts and painted them slim pink and brown. It’s been reported that one day he looked out his office window and saw a home he didn’t like. What did he do? He bought the multimillion-dollar dwelling and then had it painted to suit his personal taste.

Ironically, the Laguna Canyon controversy began when people looked out their windows and “saw” one of Bren’s proposed projects. They didn’t like his 3,200 housing units and shopping centers any more than he liked that single home. “His project offends our eyes,” they protested. “Moreover, Laguna Canyon is vital to the important greenbelt which is full of native wildlife and natural beauty. It must not be desecrated by any project.”

The people raised serious concerns for the wildlife, the watershed and the impact the project would have on their overall environment. They wrote letters and attended official project reviews. They examined and responded to thick environmental impact reports which included a whopping 132 developer mitigation efforts. They picketed and walked.


In an unprecedented countywide rally, they galvanized 7,500 citizens who shared their views and protested the proposed Laguna Laurel project. They said they’d pay for the land if they could afford it.

After years of protest, that got the billionaire’s attention. Donald Bren finally invited city of Laguna Beach officials and environmental advocates to the negotiating table.

While we knew all along that Bren was no Santa Claus, that we would never get the land for free, we didn’t expect him to toy with us. He raised our hopes and in the final hour he brutally crushed them. He’s a tease, and a cruel one at that. He toyed with our lives.


An entire town made genuine efforts to raise an extraordinary amount of money. We were ready to pass a $20-million bond initiative as the down payment. Donald Bren rebuked us. Orange County officials said they would kick in $10 million to help. He rebuked them. Bren’s rebuke will destroy the canyon’s native wildlife. His rebuke will spend our children’s future.

He advises Pete Wilson. I know who I’m not going to vote for this November.


Laguna Beach
