
WESTMINSTER : Police Get $15,000 for Computerization

A new computerized office management program will allow city police to spend many more hours in the field each year instead of staying at the station to fill out paper work.

At the request of the police, the City Council approved a plan this week to install a $15,000 computer networking project by 1992, one year ahead of schedule.

Report writing now takes each officer up to two hours a day. Police hope to cut that time in half with the new program, Capt. John Savage said.


Reports will be entered into computers, making revisions and filing easier. “We want to get as close to paperless as possible,” Savage said.

The department’s 41 computers will also be linked through a central system with crime databases in Sacramento and Washington.

The project, and a concurrent program to install computers in squad cars, will also be completed within 18 months, Savage said.


The projects will cost $50,000, to be paid for with money seized in drug cases.
