
Man Killed by Youths Who Burst Into Home

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A man was killed and a woman briefly kidnaped and forced to try to withdraw money from her bank Monday by two teen-age boys who were captured after a gunfight with police, authorities said.

Two 16-year-old boys stormed into the Compton home of Patricia Ramsey in the 700 block of West School Street about 1 p.m. demanding money. In the confusion, they allegedly shot and killed her boarder and handyman, John Preacely, Sgt. Barry Lobel said.

The two forced Ramsey to accompany them to her Carson bank, but she was not allowed to withdraw money because she did not have the proper paperwork, Lobel said.


The two boys panicked and left her in the bank, speeding back to Compton, where they attracted the attention of motorcycle Officer Thomas Eskridge. At least one of the boys fired out the window at Eskridge and he returned fire. The boys eventually stopped the car and ran, but both were captured within 15 minutes, Lobel said.
