
NEIGHBORS : A Beach Scoop : If you walk the dog along the shore, supervisors say, don’t plan to pocket the evidence.

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On Tuesday, the County Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance allowing dog owners to take their pets to Silver Strand and Hollywood beaches near Oxnard. It will go into effect Aug. 9.

The ordinance will require the owners to pick up any of their pet’s leavings along the way. In fact, they will be cited for not carrying with them an appropriate container. The ordinance specifies that “appropriate” does not include articles of clothing. (Shucks, and we’d just purchased a 10-gallon hat for the occasion.)

But, here’s the real scoop: Said Kathy Jenks, director of the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department, “In L.A., when we didn’t say ‘no articles of clothing,’ people would say, ‘Well, I intended to put it in my pocket.’ The courts couldn’t prove that they weren’t going to . . . until the dogs did and they didn’t.”


FYI: Jenks said the most “appropriate” containers for such a delicate situation are several brands of “commercial cardboard biodegradable pooper-scoopers that look kind of like giant French fry scoops.”

Have you checked out Salzer’s Video store in Ventura lately? There’s a release titled “Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose” . . . on the How-To shelf.

Thanks to the Organization for Scholars of France and Britain, eight French students are in town on a mission to improve their English.


During their stay in Ventura County, they’ll be taking in the sites--of Los Angeles and Orange counties. Disneyland, Universal Studios, Rodeo Drive and Dodger games are all on the agenda, said Merrion Gerhardt, one of the organizers on this continent.

As far as Ventura County goes, the only trips planned thus far are to the beach, the Channel Islands Museum and to a Ventura park.

Fortunately for the current group of visiting students there were some nice Fourth of July celebrations around town. So at least they didn’t have to venture south for one day.


But what about the 14 students scheduled to come over in August? If you were to host a French student where would you take them this side of the county line? Let us know.

Update on the two Ventura County Frisbee fanatics who went down to La Mirada to compete in the U.S. Open Flying Disc Championships:

They’ve seen better days.

Danny Cameranesi of Thousand Oaks finished 85th in the overall competition and, with two other team members, ninth in the freestyle event.

Chip Bell of Ventura and his two teammates finished 13th in the freestyle competition. “A couple of us played well, but one of my partners sprained both ankles, one while he was competing and one prior to the competition. He dropped the disc a lot.”

But that wasn’t the worst of it for Bell. The open began in the middle of the week so he had to miss work to compete. His boss at the insurance company was none too pleased and presented Bell with an ultimatum: Frisbee or employment. His commitment to Frisbee being what it is, Bell cleared off his desk a week ago today.

“Tell them I do parties,” he said.
