
Countywide : County Leads State in Census Response

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Ventura County residents led the state in responding to the 1990 Census, federal officials said Wednesday.

The county’s residents have answered 75.5% of the questionnaires mailed out, according to Geary-Ellen Williams, the bureau’s district office manager. This compares with response rates of 68% in Santa Barbara County, and 52% to 65% in Los Angeles County.

“People who live in Ventura County will directly benefit from their excellent response,” Williams said. “Many federal appropriations, such as those that assist education, senior citizens and day care, are based on population reported by the census.”


Williams explained the county’s high response by saying, “The people are simply more conscientious here than in other places.”

As of last Friday, 175,873 households in the county had responded to 233,013 questionnaires. For every resident who is not counted, the county loses about $100 in government funding, Williams noted.

She said the bureau’s “Were You Counted?” campaign will seek out uncounted residents through July 27. Telephone responses can be made by calling 1 (800) 999-1990 between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. weekdays. Those wishing to be counted in person may visit the Census Bureau office at 255 W. Stanley Ave., Ventura, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.
