
Poindexter Sentenced to Prison for Role in Iran-Contra Scandal

The Conrad cartoon (“Mug shots,” with Poindexter in the foreground and Ronald Reagan in the the shadow, June 13) is an insult to Admiral Poindexter, the U.S. Navy, and all of us who hold dear our military service. Take a good look, Poindexter has no pot belly and is ramrod straight. Your burning hatred of Reagan has fired my own for your newspaper.

Your editorial is also off course. The Constitution grants conduct of foreign affairs to the office of the President. Poindexter was obliged to follow his oath and forced to choose between opposing branches of government. He elected to sacrifice himself to the benefit of his commander in chief. The dubious cause was that of Congress and its left-wing membership who must share in the blame for Iran-Contra. Justice demands that Poindexter be pardoned. Does he deserve less than Richard Nixon?

Had your editorial carried that message my feelings for you would have been less contemptuous.



San Diego
