
Low Voter Turnout for Primary

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I voted June 5th, but 75% of Californians apparently did not. According to your front-page article, “The Anti-Electorate: 3 of 4 Californians Stayed Home” (June 9), sending the message: “We don’t care.” We do care, however, we feel that we do not have an effect on the outcome.

Put an option on the ballot! Allow the voter to tell each party that none of the candidates are acceptable! Simply not voting, or voting for one of several bad choices, is not democracy in action, it’s frustration with the system. When was the last time that a write-in candidate was successful? There have been none that I know of for President or major office.

Provide a block in each category, i.e., state governor, which says that “No Candidate Is Acceptable.” Then require the party to get a qualified candidate. Note that most governmental agencies can function without a key person.

People might be more inclined to vote if they truly believed their vote meant something, rather than making a choice between the lesser of two evils.



Fountain Valley
