
Gender Factor in November Governor’s Race

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William Schneider’s desperate attempt to ram Dianne Feinstein down our throats as governor of my native state is, in a word, disgusting! His Opinion piece, “Time for a Woman?” (June 10) is such a feeble transparent bit of propagandizing and brainwashing, it’s pitiful.

Golly, gee, is Feinstein really a woman? Schneider’s every single paragraph pointed out to us stupid, unobserving electorate, this unbelievable fact:

“She won because she is a woman . . . it’s time we had a woman governor . . . her gender made Feinstein an interesting candidate; she has beaten one boring white man . . . Feinstein understands abortion because she is a woman . . . “ and so on.

For Feinstein to pander to women to get their vote is one thing; for Schneider to mimic her in his article is self-serving and demeaning to his own gender.


The fact of the matter is, if Feinstein is governor, the person who really will be governor (behind the scenes) is her husband, Richard Blum, a very wealthy white male, who is not only underwriting her campaign but must be salivating at such a prospect. The recent Times article on Blum was pretty revealing in pointing out his personal background, except for their financial disclosures as required by law, which to date they refuse to do. Why? (Shades of Geraldine Ferraro?)


Los Angeles
