
Some Glad to See Agran Go; Some Hope He’ll Go Far

On June 5, the voters of Irvine showed tremendous ignorance and lack of vision. By removing Larry Agran from Irvine’s mayoral office, the Irvine voters voted to rid their city of the reputation of being one of the most progressive, innovative, problem-solving communities in America.

On both sides of the political fence, I hear complaints about air pollution, crowded freeways, child day-care availability, and stagnant, conventional incumbent leadership. Larry Agran made innovative breakthroughs in all of these areas.

To fault Agran for using the mayor’s office to frame solutions to long-term environmental catastrophes such as ozone depletion is to show a fundamental ignorance of the seriousness and consequences for Orange County of many of our long-term environmental problems.


When the voters of Irvine ousted Mayor Agran, they also voted to leave many of our community’s most serious problems neglected as they have been in the past by more “conventional” leadership.


