
Some Glad to See Agran Go; Some Hope He’ll Go Far

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I was amazed at the front-page coverage of Agran’s “narrow defeat.” You would have thought Irvine citizens had just narrowly defeated George Washington or Jack Kennedy--and it was a tragedy for Irvine.

He was defeated 52%-48%. In the Czech victory of Vaclav Havel, that same percentage was called a landslide. The Agran slate of City Council candidates was defeated by a 7% voter margin. What this was, if you were tuned into Irvine citizens, was a mandated repudiation of “Joe Isuzu” politics.

Spending $140,000 in legal fees to defend his protege (Cameron) Cosgrove, secret meetings of his slate with developers, the abusive and expensive use of consultants, the doubling in two years of the cost of running Irvine, a $43-million Taj Mahal city hall and being affiliated with the Center for Innovative Diplomacy--none of this was in your article.


This city is a city of families, and it doesn’t need elected officials pushing their own agenda.


