
A Simple Solution

Once again we have news reports of a police decoy operation to crack down on prostitution. Several years ago, the police undertook a similar decoy operation downtown because potential customers were causing traffic problems by cruising slowly while negotiating with the prostitutes.

Has it ever occurred to anyone to wonder why men don’t stop women on the street to solicit other services, be it tailoring, dance lessons or legal services? Is it hard to see why men don’t pick up a barber on the street and park in someone’s driveway to get a haircut? Why don’t men have to cruise along the curb to make an appointment with their dentist?

It is not prostitution that causes the real problems that plague the residents and business people on Midway Drive or El Cajon Boulevard. It is the fact that prostitution is illegal. If the ladies could practice their trade discreetly and legally in fixed business locations, most of the problems would disappear.



La Mesa
