
Supreme Court Strikes Down Law Against Flag Burning

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The Supreme Court ruled that desecration of the flag is protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution. Despite what many politicians are stuffing down the throats of voters, this is a victory for all Americans. People like Sen. Dole are wrong on two fundamental points. Every person who has served his country did so in defense of freedom, not in defense of a cloth flag.

Granted, the flag is this country’s most beautiful symbol. But it is not more important than the ideal it stands for. Freedom of speech is an encompassing notion that has to include all dissent no matter how repulsive.

In addition to missing the point about the national symbol, politicians are telling Americans that we should outlaw expression which is contrary to popular belief. Many of our “leaders” fail to see this point. They argue that the flag is something “special.” I urge every American to watch out when our government starts making exceptions for anything or anyone, because the next exception is never far off.


In addition to these fundamental errors in logic, people like Dole are riding this bandwagon of amending the Constitution simply for political gain. If some yahoo wants to burn the flag, we should explain to him what an idiot he is being, not put him in jail.

Furthermore, I wish Dole and his comrades would worry more about solving problems of crime and raising the standard of living than taking away freedoms of the citizens of the U.S.

A final thought: I love the flag but I love freedom even more.

In addition, isn’t it strange to see Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) on the correct side of an issue?



