
Concerns Over ‘Tent City’

In a letter, Patricia D. Weinberger says Sheriff Gillespie’s proposed “tent city” for drug offenders on the Port Hueneme base is an innovative idea.

Why? Just what makes anyone who is not living on this base think it is a good idea?

You see, most of us who do live here are absolutely against this minimum-security tent city.

We live here for the security. At least half of the wives are alone six or more months of the year. We are Mom and Dad, gardener, auto mechanic and anything else we need to be. We do for each other and for the civilian community as well.


Our men are often in dangerous areas. Now you want us to live in a dangerous area? How safe would you feel with 360 convicted drug criminals in your back yard and only two guards? The security on this base cannot handle the problems we have now. Can Sheriff Gillespie or the military leaders on this base give us 100% assurance that not one home will be burglarized by one of these criminals to get money or property to exchange for drugs?

There must be a safer and better place to put Gillespie’s tent city. Why doesn’t he get a little more innovative and find it?


Port Hueneme
